Electoral Congress

The Congress of 2016 will be an electoral congress.

Additional to the 5 Vice Presidents elected by the Continental Unions all members have the chance to vote for the JJIF president which will lead JJIF for the next 4 years.

Date: 21. September 2016      14:30 - 17:00 h

Venue: Grand Touran Hotel  Da Nang / Viet nam

extract from the statutes

6.1.2 The JJIF Congress shall comprise of the delegations of the Full Members JJNOs.  Only the JJNOs which have been admitted as Full Members during the last JJIF Session and fulfil all the JJIF Membership obligations including financial obligations may participate and vote at the Congress.

6.1.3 Each member JJNO may be represented by maximum two (2) delegates but is entitled to only one vote. The delegates must be members of the JJNO with right to represent the JJNO (as specified in the JJNO Statutes) and must be citizens or permanent residents of the country they represent. Voting by assigning proxy to any other person is not permitted.


1.      Welcome from JJIF President

2.      Roll call and right to vote

3.      Agenda – approval and changes (proposals from JJIF Session)

4.      Change the status of JJNOs (from Full Member to Provisional Member) or suspend or remove JJNO membership pursuant to proposals from JJIF Session

5.      Election of President of the JJIF

6.      Ratify the nomination of the five Vice-Presidents,

7.      Ratify the three appointed board members and

8.      Ratify the two athletes’ representatives,

9.      Election of the Members of JJIF Ethics Commission

10.  Awarding and Honorable membership/ presidency

11.  Congress 2018 – Proposals for Date and Venue



Statutes 2016:

8.1 The JJIF Executive Board shall initially consist of eleven (11) voting members:  

The President.

The five (5) Vice-Presidents, one (1) of them in the position of Senior Vice-president appointed by the President.

The three (3) additional members appointed by the JJIF President in consultation with the JJIF Vice-Presidents for each Continent. In appointing these members, the President shall take into careful consideration the skills, competencies, experience, gender balance and diversity of the Executive Board as a whole

The two (2) representatives (one male and one female, each of different nationality drawn from different continents) of the JJIF’s Athlete’s Commission  

8.1.2 Additional Executive Board members may be inducted as and when required, by a majority resolution of the JJIF Executive Board and ratified subsequently by the next JJIF Session.  

8.1.3 No more than two members of the JJIF Executive Board can be citizens or permanent residents of the same country. This rule does not apply to the President of the JJIF. 

8.1.4 On the recommendation of the President and ratified by the Executive Board initially four ex officio non-voting Members shall be appointed as under; 

The General Director; ex-officio, as a non-voting member;

The Sports Director; ex-officio, as a non-voting member;

The Administration Director; ex-officio, as a non-voting member;

The Financial Director, ex officio, as a non-voting member;

 8.1.5 The Executive Board shall also include the Chairpersons / Directors of such other Commissions as the Executive Board may decide who all shall be ex officio, non-voting members. 

8.1.6 Additional ex officio non-voting Board members may be inducted as and when required, by a majority resolution of the JJIF Executive Board and ratified subsequently by the next JJIF Session 

8.2 Executive Board Elections and Terms of Offices 

8.2..1 The President of the JJIF Executive Board is elected by the JJIF Congress for a period of office of four (4) years, by a secret ballot, by a simple majority of the votes cast. 

8.2.2 The five (5) Vice-Presidents are the corresponding Presidents of their respective JJCUs, duly elected by their General Assembly for tenure of four (4) years, and whose nominations are ratified by the JJIF Congress. In the case of any inability of any JJCU to elect the corresponding President for a post as Vice-president of the JJIF, the position shall remain vacant and the JJIF Executive Board shall consist of lesser members until the next JJCU elections.  

8.2.3 The Senior Vice-President of the JJIF is nominated by the JJIF President from amongst the five (5) Vice-Presidents.  

8.2.4 The three (3) additional Executive Board members are appointed by the JJIF President in due consultation with the JJIF Vice-Presidents, for tenure of office of four (4) years, and whose nominations are ratified by the JJIF Congress 

8.2.5 The two representatives of JJIF’s Athlete’s Commission on the JJIF Executive Board are members elected directly by the JJIF Athlete’s Commission for tenure of office of four (4) years, and whose nominations are ratified by the JJIF Congress. 

8.2.6 The duration of the terms of office of the members of the JJIF Executive Board is Four Years. In conformity to IOC Charter [ Clause 19.2.3 ] , a member may serve for a maximum of two successive terms on the JJIF Executive Board, regardless of the capacity in which he has been elected. In case a member having completed two successive terms, he may be eligible to be re-elected as a member of the Executive Board only after a waiting period of two years. This does not apply to the election for the post of the Office of the President, for which there is no waiting period.

Candidatures for JJIF President:

1.    Mr. Panagiotis Theodoropoulos  -Greece

2.    Mr. Luc Mortelmans- Belgium 

(Closed by 20th August 2016)