(Statutes 2016)

National Ju-Jitsu Federations / National Ju-Jitsu Organizations [JJNOs] are the recognized national bodies governing Ju-Jitsu in their respective nations, which by affiliation, constitute the membership of the JJIF.

13.1 JJIF Membership Application:

Any National Ju Jitsu Federation / Organization wishing to affiliate to the JJIF must send the following membership application documents to the JJIF Secretariat:

  • An application for affiliation signed by their President / Secretary General;
  • A declaration letter signed by the President / Secretary General, undertaking to uphold and abide by the Statutes, By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations of the JJIF, and the Bye Law to Rule 13.1
  • An attested copy of the Constitution of the Federation / Organization in English;
  • A detailed list of their Executive Committee Members  
  • A description of their organization with details of state/provincial affiliates;
  • The list of their Ju- Jitsu activities during the past two years;
  • Whenever possible, an attestation from the National Olympic Committee or highest sport authority of the Nation, certifying that the applicant National Federation is recognized as the governing body for Ju-Jitsu in their country;

13.1.1 Upon receipt of the membership application and supporting documents, the JJIF Executive Board shall evaluate the merits or demerits of the said application and shall then decide on the grant of affiliation to the applicant National Federation / Organization as a Provisional Member of the JJIF.

13.1.2 A National Ju-Jitsu Federation / Organization may not be affiliated with both the JJIF and any other International Ju- Jitsu Organization claiming to have international governing functions over the sport of Ju-Jitsu.

13.1.3 Co-operation of the JJIF with other sports which are governed by their own International Federations can be considered, but the two international organizations must keep their own separate identities and functions.

Bye-law to Rule 13.1

[Declaration of complete recognition of the Statutes, By-Laws and Rules of the JJIF:]

13.2. JJIF Membership Status

13.2.1 Full JJIF National Membership:

The status of a full JJIF Membership is granted by the JJIF Session to a member National Federation / Organization which has fulfilled and satisfied all the requisite membership obligations of JJIF.

13.2.2 Full National Members have the following rights:

  • To be informed about the state of affairs of the JJIF;
  • To propose items for consideration of inclusion in the Agenda of the JJIF Congress and the JJIF Session;
  • To receive the agenda and the relevant documents for the JJIF Congress and JJIF Session;
  • To have voting rights and to nominate candidates as the JJIF President and to the elected positions in the JJIF Executive Board and in the JJIF Continental Union’s Executive Board
  • To have voting rights and to nominate candidates to the elections of JJIF Representatives of Regions;
  • To participate in any JJIF official event;
  • Full National Members can select and propose their national athletes for participation in all International Multisport Games wherein JJIF is participating.
  • To exercise any other right arising from the Statutes, Regulations, Directives and Decisions of the JJIF

13.2.3. Provisional JJIF National Membership:

  • Provisional National Members have no voting rights, other than the right to vote in the elections of JJIF Representatives of Regions;
  • Provisional Members have no right to vote and no right to nominate candidates as JJIF President and to the elected positions of JJIF Executive Board and the JJIF Continental Union’s Executive Board:
  • They have right to vote but no right to nominate candidates to the elections of JJIF Representatives International Committee [ JJRIC] ;
  • Provisional Members have no right to speak in any official JJIF Meeting except on the invitation of the President of the JJIF Organ or his substitute,
  • Provisional Members do have the right to speak in the JJIF Regional Meetings;
  • A Provisional National Member that becomes eligible for Full JJIF Membership may not necessarily be physically represented at the JJIF Session where its application for full membership is being considered, unless so invited to reply to specific questions, related to its elevation to the status of a Full Member of the JJIF;
  • Provisional National Members have the right to be informed regarding all meetings, agendas, news and the decisions of all official meetings and have the right to participate in all JJIF official events other than International Multi Sport Games & Events

Provisional National Members cannot propose or select their national athletes to participate in all International Multisport Games & Events where JJIF is participating, except upon receiving wild-cards admission from JJIF Executive Board.