Mandy Sonnenmann

Name: Mandy Sonnemann

Age: 27

City Country: Hanover, Germany

Sports/ Dicipline: Ju-Jutsu Fighting

Profession: police officer

1.       What is your biggest accomplishment in Ju-Jitsu?

-          1. World Games 2013

-          World Champion 2010,2011,2012

-          European Champion 2013

-          3. World Championship 2015


2.       What one or two things do you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?

-          Maybe cause I trained the different parts separatly and did a lot of judo. And I always did a lot of strengh and endurance training.

-          But I think the biggest keyto success  is your mind. At international level ever athlete is strong and in a good shape. There usually wins the one, who really wants to win and never gives up. Doesn't matter if he is in the lead or not. 


3.       How much did you train a week?

-          In my best years I trained around 20 hours a week. Some days I trained 2 or 3 times a day.I tryed to be every day on the tatami.


4.       How do you set your goals?

-          I don't know. After my first World Championship I just wanted to win everything and thought it would be embrassed, if I lose.


5.       Have you experianced a breakthrough, and if so, what led to it?

-          Yes I had my breakthrough 2010 in St. Petersburg. Before nobody knew me and I was not even good. Nobody would have expected that I would win the World Championship. After that,  my career really started and I became better and better and have become increasingly.


6.       What was the best advice that you were ever given?

-          Fight to win and not to not lose.


7.       Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?

-          Always do what is close to your heart and what you really love to do. Don't care, what others think about you, if you are happy with you!!!


8.       Do you have some special ritual before competition?

-          So many, so I could fill two pages. I always ate the same thing for breakfast, never watched the draw before, heard the same song before I went to the tatami, wore totally the same clothes, and so on....


9.       Anything else you'd liked to share?

-          After 8 years, I have now decided to quit competitive sport.

It was a wonderful time in which I have learned a lot and that has influenced me very much. Thanks especially to my coaches and teammates, I know, it was not always easy with me. Thank you, for endure my stubborn so long :)