Benjamin Lah (Slovenia) Ju-Jitsu fighting system -94kg


Interview with Benjamin Lah - by Claudia Behnke

  • 28 years
  • Celje, Slovenia
  • Ju-Jitsu fighting system -94kg
  • Member of athletes commision in JJIF
  • Faculty of Criminal justice
  • 9 years in Ju-Jitsu,
  • 17 years in judo
  • 1.dan

I got started because after judo career I wanted something more exicting and I found my self in JJ.

1.       What is your biggest accomplishment in Ju-Jitsu?

For my biggest accomplishment I can say I count that I proved myself over and over again that I can beat the biggest oponant, myself! This sport gave me so much so as member of JJIF athtlete commision I want to give something back so that the future generation will also have as much from this sport that I got it already. So also giving something back is realy big accomplishment for me.


2.       What one or two things do you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?

I do only one ''simple'' thing, every training I take it like is the last training and I realy try to enjoy in doing what I love to do. So being happy at training and giving my 120% on each training I think is my thing that helps me to achive what I want.


3.       What would be your ultimate achievement?

I think my biggest achievement would be if I would do realy some special thing for our sport, so if I can give back to the sport and I could change some rules that I would help to the athletes in this sport so we all would have benefits from my work. Because if I am first in competition it is only me, but if I help all athletes this for me is bigger achievement!

4.       How do you set your goals?

Normally I decide what I want then normaly I do everything to achieve that goal, but sometimes is hard and sometimes it is easyer. But also good relation with my coach Marko Gaber helps me a lot with setting my goals.


5.       What is your diet like?

Normaly I eat normal food I just take care that I dont drink to much sweet drinks and eat sweet things. Also quality of food is important for me. But for shure I eat a lot of meat, I think myself as meat person. But also after big competitions I like to cheat a little bit and then I eat food that normaly I dont, so a lot of sweets.


6.       Have you experianced a breakthrough, and if so, what led to it?

I done my breakthrough in 2010 at WC when I got my first medal at WC. It was realy big step forward in my career so I was realy happy. I think biggest thing that led it to it was my biggest wish that one day I can stay on the top of podium so I realy did everything to achieve medal there. I did and after that my way in JuJitsu was much better, I got even bigger motivation and more energy to reach my goals. Before that competition I totaly change my way of preparation and I finnaly find what works for me the best.


7.       What was the best advice that you were ever given?

I will never forget when my best friend said to me when I had the biggest crise in my career. He said to me that everything happens with a reason so in every lost fight you need to lurn. So he said to me take it like: You will never lose if you will take that fight as a leasson. I did and I lurned from every fight, then I start to see everything from another side. After that I slowly started to get much better and my mental preparation was stronger also.


8.       Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?

My motto is NGUNS, I also have it written on my belt that always reminds me on it. It means never give up, never surrender. So I realy try to do everything that I achieve my goals and I always try to think positive.


9.       Do you have some special ritual before competition?

On the day of competition, before I go on the mat, I always put down first my left sock then my right one. This is my small rutine every time.


10.   Anything else you'd liked to share?

I just wanted to say to younger generations that they need to start to enjoy in JuJitsu, so they can have so much fun as I do on every competition. I think speacialy beside competition is also realy important that we are all good friends and we can make difference in our head when we are on tattami and when not. So try to enjoy, train hard and you will see that results will come soon. Big thanks to all my friends, coaches, sparings and my family that they helped me to be here today. Dont forget, NGUNS!