The biggest Ju-Jitsu tournament of the World

European Champonship U18 and German Open 2016

Veltin Arena auf Schalke - Gelsenkirchen

This year`s „German Open“ took place on 24th and 25th of September in the „Veltins Arena Auf Schalke“ in Gelsenkirchen. 1175 registered competitors in the disciplines Figthing, DUO and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from the Countries:  Deutschland, Schweden, Niederlande, Frankreich, Mazedonien, Polen, Frankreich, Israel, Mexico, Belgien, Russland, Slowenien, Schweiz, Rumänien, Dänemark, Montenegro, Österreich, Italien, Dänemark, Belgien, Spanien, Tunesien, Bulgarien subscribed to this international event in West Germany. On 14 mats in total spectators could follow fair fights for partial high level from the grandstand. During the German Open the European Competition U18 also was held at the same place, where 320 young athletics from 19 nations in the same categories (Fighting, Duo and BJJ/ Ne-Waza) were fighting for victory. Organizer was the German Ju-Jitsu Federation, supported by the Local Organizer Bushido-Ryu Club Gelsenkirchen and responsible for this Event the Ju-jitsu European Union, JJEU. It was a great event on a spectacular location and left a deep impression to all fighters and spectators.




Erstellt von:  German Ju-Jutsu Federation
Erstellt/Geändert:  28.09.2016