Ranking December 2015
Events taken into account:
- World Championship 2014 - Paris
- World Championship 2015 - Bangkok
- European Championship 2015
- Panamerican Championship 2015
- African Championship 2015
- European Open Cup 2014
- Panamerican Championship 2014
- African Championship 2014
- German Open 2015
- Paris Open 2015
- Balkan Open 2015
- South American Championship 2015
- US Open 2015
- Regional Championship Bangkok 2015
- Paris Open 2014
- African Open 2014
- Balkan Open 2014
- German Open 2014
- South American Championship 2014
- St. Petersburg Open 2014
Exlpaination and Disclaimer
The World Ranking List published on JJIF website and Facebook is an information and does not entitle automatic any participation rights to higher qualified events.
The Ranking List is calculated on base of the provided result lists. And can only be as exact as the result lists. If organizers provide a wrong result list the Ranking will change afterwards.
The "Points Qualification" which are the determining factor for the qualification to World Games and SportAccord World Combat Games are based on the date of Ranking. So further reductions by time will effect this calculation.